Monday 28 June 2010

New doco structure

As you'll see, the Oracc documentation is much fuller and more systematically organised than the old CDL doco. It's fully searchable from the Oracc home page.

You'll also find that visitors to your website can access all the user help from the [HELP] link at the left of every Page View and Item View header on your corpus pages.

But if you think anything is missing, or needs further explanation, please let me know.

Oracc access statistics with Piwik

I have just set up Piwik Web Analytics to monitor access statistics to Oracc project websites. If you are a project manager, once your project has migrated to Oracc you can view its access stats from
and log in with your (lowercase) project name and the default new-project password. (If you don't know what I mean, please email me.) Please change the password to something more personal as soon as you can.

Piwik is multilingual, so if you prefer to read your access stats in German or Hungarian you can do so by choosing from a drop-down list at the top centre of the page.

The user interface is, I hope, self-explanatory but just ask if you need any help.