Friday 2 March 2018

The Oracc Advisory Committee

The Oracc Advisory Committee (OAC) will work with the Oracc Steering Committee (OSC) to broaden the consultative framework within which Oracc planning and implementation takes place.

The OAC’s responsibilities are to work with the OSC on various matters relating to Oracc development, maintenance, use and evangelism. The OAC will develop the agendas for the meetings and advise the OSC on matters of interest and concern, and on the priority of those matters.

The OAC will be constituted as a group of up to 6 members, with 3 joining the group in year one; a further 3 in year 2; and an annual rotation of up to 3 members after that. Initial terms will be for two years, renewable for up to a further two years.

The OAC will meet regularly via Skype and annually in person, with the first face-to-face meeting taking place in Philadelphia on Monday/Tuesday 5-6th November 2018. Some travel funds may be available to support those attending the face-to-face. In addition, members of the Steering Committee and the Advisory Committee present at the annual Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale will have a “working lunch”, typically on the Wednesday of the meeting.

How to apply

Please send a letter of interest, stating briefly why you would like to join, with a CV (two pages maximum) to the ORACC Steering Committee before April 25th 2018. We will get back to you by mid-May.