Tuesday 11 August 2020

Re-using Oracc content for online teaching

As we get ever closer to the new academic year, I’d like to remind you of various ways in which you can re-use the free, open-access cuneiform content on Oracc.org:

  1. Basics: Start with http://oracc.org/doc/help/visitingoracc/reusingoracc/index.html for simple ideas that anyone can use without a login: from creating links to lists of texts to embedding whole texts in your own web page. 
  2. Next steps: go to http://oracc.org/doc/help/visitingoracc/citingurls/index.html for instructions on linking via key-words and glossary entries if you’re a bit more confident with HTML (again, no login required). 
  3. If you have an Oracc login and know how to use it: see my old blog post at https://oracc.blogspot.com/2018/07/creating-proxy-parasite-project.html for guidance on creating your own bespoke “proxy” project if you want to create a whole corpus of texts for your class. For example, an old example of mine, that pulls in material from across many Oracc projects is http://oracc.org/cams/tlab which I built for an undergrad class, “Temple Life in Assyria and Babylonia”, a few years ago. 
  4. If you’d like to learn how to make your own “proxy” project but don’t have a login or need a refresher, I’ll be running an interactive online workshop on Thursday 20 August (4pm UK time = 11 am US East Coast, 5pm mainland Europe, 6 pm Iraq, etc). Because I will need to issue Oracc logins in advance, and give proper tutorial support during the session, I have capped attendance at 12 people. Please sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/oracc-for-online-teaching-tickets-116639651337 and I’ll be in touch with more details. If there’s enough demand, I’ll run extra sessions.
I hope this is all self-explanatory but if you have any questions or problems, please leave me a comment below.

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